Japanski vökvunarskynjarinn er sá fyrsti sinnar tegundar, en hann mælir vatnsgildi í moldinni.
Þessi stórsniðuga græja hjálpar þér að halda plöntunum þínum heilbrigðum með réttri vökvun. Skynjaranum er stungið í mold plöntunnar, mælirinn er blár þegar plantan er búin að fá vökvun, en verður hvítur þegar plantan er þyrst. Inni í vökvunarskynjaranum er kjarni úr náttúrulegum trefjum sem þarf að skipta um á 6-9 mánaða fresti. Áfyllingar má fa hér.
Vökvunarskynjarinn kemur í þremur stærðum;
S: Pottar sem má lyfta með annarri hendi, um 6-9cm í þvermál.
M: Pottar sem þarf tvær hendur til að lyfta, um 10.5-18cm í þvermál.
L: Stórir pottar sem þarf töluverðan styrk til að lyfta, um 18-36cm í þvermál.
The first moisture checker with pF indicator for your home.
with a pF indicator (available water capacity). This way the root's ability to absorb water - or the plant's "thirst" becomes visible. The high quality of SUSTEE prevents root rot caused by improper watering.
To better our product we keep testing and researching in cooperation with
the Tokyo University of Agriculture and farmers.
Available in S, M and L to fit different pot sizes.Suitable for any plant and soil type.
"I don't want to make any watering mistakes that kill my plants." SUSTEE was born out of this common desire.
Environmentally friendly and economical
Please use replaceable core refills.
The inner core of SUSTEE is made of natural fibers and can be consumed by microorganisms. The state of the soil is a factor, but it can be said that the core has to be replaced when it stops turning blue after watering (approximately after 6-9 months).
pot size 2, 2.5, 3
Diameter 6〜9cmPots that can be lifted with one hand.
pot size 3.5, 4, 5, 6
Diameter 10.5〜18cmPots that can be lifted with two hands.
pot size 6〜12
Diameter 18〜36cmLarge pots that can only be lifted with excessive force.