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Litlar Gylltar plöntustangir / Mini golden plant stakes
Litlar Gylltar plöntustangir / Mini golden plant stakes
Litlar Gylltar plöntustangir / Mini golden plant stakes
Litlar Gylltar plöntustangir / Mini golden plant stakes

Litlar Gylltar plöntustangir / Mini golden plant stakes

1.890 kr

Fallegar litlar plöntustangir sem henta vel sem stuðningur fyrir pottaplöntur í 7-30cm pottum.

Stangirnar koma í fjórum ólíkum formum og eru endurunnar úr áli.

Stærð: 30-34 cm að hæð


Add a decorative and functional touch to your little jungle. They’re perfect for plants in pots, in your home, or on a balcony or garden. They’ll be like functional jewels for your plants.

The stakes are made of recycled aluminum (so they’ll never rust) and produced in Poland.

Dimensions:  The mini plant stakes are between 30cm and 34cm high depending on the model, (see diagram in the photos for the exact sizes). The wire diameter is 4mm. They are best used in smaller plant pots between 7 and 30cm tall. 



Support your plants in style with our new mini plant stakes from Botanopia on Vimeo.