Afar rakadræg tuska með fallegu mynstri. Tuskan er úr náttúrulegum plöntusellulósa og bómullartrefjum - flokkast með lífrænum úrgangi.
Sænska tuskan kemur í stað hefðbundinnar eldhúsrúllu - en ein tuska kemur í stað 17 rúlla af bréfþurrkum.
Stærð: L20 x B17 cm
Efni: 100% náttúrulegur sellúlósi og bómullartrefjar.
Þvottaleiðbeiningar: Má þvo á 90 gráðum í þvottavél eða setja í uppþvottavél.
A very absorbent household cloth with a dark blue diamond pattern. It's made from natural plant cellulose and cotton fibre - can go straight to the compost bin.
The cloth is meant for use in the kitchen, bathrooms, patios or virtually anywhere. They can be used on windows, counters, floors or for any application you would traditionally use paper towels
One cloth can replace up to 17 rolls of paper towels, helping save the environment through less mass in landfills, and much lower consumption of earths valuable trees.
Size: L20 x W17 cm
Material: 100% natural cellulose and cotton fibre.
Washing advice: Can be washed at 90 degrees in a washing machine or put in a dishwasher.