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Roma Blómapottur / Roma Planter
Roma Blómapottur / Roma Planter
Roma Blómapottur / Roma Planter
Roma Blómapottur / Roma Planter
Roma Blómapottur / Roma Planter

Roma Blómapottur / Roma Planter

9.570 kr

15.950 kr

Roma blómapotturinn er framleiddur í Ástralíu af studioinu Capra Designs. Óhefðbundið form pottsins er innblásið af hinum klassísku rómverskum súlum. 
Allar vörur Capra Designs eru handgerðar og er því hver pottur einstakur. Pottarnir koma með dreni og undirskál og því má planta beint í pottinn. 
ATH. Liturinn á þessum potti er grænn
Stærð:  Ø 20.5 cm X H 20cm
Efni: Polymer resin
The eye-catching Roma Planter is suitable for your favourite medium size plants. It's design is freely inspired by a Roman column while showing a contemporary visual language.

All of Capra Designs planters are designed with a tray so that you can pot directly into the planter and know that your plant is still experiencing proper drainage.

Designed in Australia by Bianca Lambert and Juliette Gambert.

These planters are skilfully hand-made. Irregularities in colour and pattern of each finished product are evidence of the careful hand-made process. The planter you purchase will look similar to but will not be identical to the one photographed.

This planter is emerald green in colour

Size: Ø 20.5 cm X H 20cm

Material: Polymer resin